Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unferth vs. Me... No Competition There.

The Jealous Unferth
King Hrothgar greeted us well today. I told him of my courageous battles in the past, and how I was ready to face Grendel in battle to protect the men of the kingdom. We toasted and feasted to the thought of forever slaying Grendel. Unfortunately, Johnny Rain Cloud (a.k.a- Unferth) had to burst my bubble.It was difficult for me to hold back some of the things I wanted to say. However, I kept my thoughts to myself and listened eagerly to rectify, in a polite, mannerly way, his words against me. He told all my warriors, as well as King Hrothgar, of my swimming match with Brecca.Yeah, sure, I may have almost lost my life to my inability to keep up with Brecca, but the powerful waves and the strong current pulled me down quite a few times. I was young then, and not very wise, but I'm smarter now and I have proliferated a strength that no man, or mighty beast, can defeat against. For my comeback, I told him of my recent triumphs, and it seemed to intimidate him. I don't know, but King Hrothgar sure thought it was impressive. I'm not sure why Unferth is so jealous. Obviously, if he was great enough to slaughter Grendel himself, the monster wouldn't even be a dilemma, now would it?That's what I thought too. It just saddens me for Unferth to compare himself to me since it is really no match. It will just hurt him in the long run. What did I ever do to him?

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